The Clueless Girl's Guide To Decoding 'Star Wars' Memes

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on Thursday. For all of Kylo's flaws - and for all of the reasons he'll never reach the peaks of Sith-dom with Darth Vader - at least he's got this. For fans of the extended universe, Maul did show back, but all the anticipation and lead up to the first encounter with Darth Sidious' former apprentice is not repaid in kind, as we find him a shadow of his former self.

Eight movies and a ton of inside jokes provide for a lot of quality memes. A character that we see remake the Star Wars universe to his liking, appointing himself as the leader of the ruling class, Emperor Palpatine is proven to be a master strategist. One of the most impactful retcons in movie history, finding out about daddy Darth made the things Obi-Wan had previously said to Luke about his father obviously false.

Rewatching all three before The Force Awakens” did little to sway my opinion of them in either direction, but these ridiculous memes have — the movies now seem endearing where before they mostly felt ill-advised. The breakout stars of "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" are undoubtedly the weird bird-cats known as porgs.

Mired in problematic masculine fantasies of underdogs Meme doing righteous battle against forces that seek to either transform or take away their favorite pieces of pop culture for sinister ends, these communities use memes to reaffirm their own identity and to exclude and antagonize others, over and over again.

Palpatine plays to Anakin's fears and insecurities, turns him into the famous Darth Vader, and uses him to kill all the Jediand seize control of space government. I dug pretty deep to find some new memes for you to share, one's that I'm sure you haven't seen unearthed on your timeline yet.

While I must admit I think The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi are perfectly fine titles for Star Wars films, no matter who you are and how well you do you can never please everybody. So in the interest of having a laugh here are 30 Hilarious Star Wars Memes That Would Even Make Darth Vader Laugh.

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